Voting Rant
So as most of you already know I am 18 and this is my first time being able to vote. I am not a very political person, but I do believe it is our duty as citizens to choose the next leader(s) of the US.
Now I know that more people don't vote than those who do. And it is especially common among young people to not vote, but it does upset me how people look at voting.
Last couple weeks at work they have been having us hand out little stickers, pens, postcards or w/e to give to students with the slogan "Yes on 39" written on them. Issue 39 is a levy that will increase taxes by a measly $98 per year on average to keep our school as cheap as possible for the students. As the weeks ran on we began to run out of swag to hand out until we eventually had nothing last night. Now seeing as last night was the night before people had to go out and vote I figured I would do my best to try and remind people to vote, and to vote yes on 39.
As I was doing this, it really began to hit home how little people care. I got comments like "Yeah Right", "Like it matters", "Why should I waste my time", and "Oh, it will pass." When students were saying this it just pissed me off. Kids, my age not giving two shits about the future of the country, or even the school they go to for christ's sake. See, it upset me even more because, I live in a different county and cant vote for the levy because it isn't on my ballot, and students just want to blow it off and not vote because they don't care. THIS IS SOMETHING DIRECTLY AFFECTING THEM AND THEY DON'T CARE!!! Are they serious? I mean, I'm sure they will be bitching like there is no tomorrow when the cost of schooling goes up because they couldn't get off their lazy asses, click a few buttons, and make a difference.
The worst part, Is that 95% if not more of these students wont even be affected by the increase in taxes because they obviously don't own a home.
I mean, I know I can't do anything to change things other than go out and vote myself. Its just sick to know that we have the freedom to vote, a freedom that many others would die for AND HAVE DIED FOR, and these idiots don't even care.
/end rant
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